New England Fan Fest 6 a success!
Well the 6th annual New England Fan Fest is now behind us and what a great weekend it was. Fans came out from all over New England as well as other states like Chicago and the Tri state area. The legends of wrestling gathered under one roof for what promosed to be a great experience. Pretty Paul Roma, Mario Mancini, Mr. USA Tony Atlas, Marty Jannetty, Sean Mooney, Typhoon, Dangerous Danny Davis, The Genius Lanny Poffo, Flyin Fred Curry, Perry Saturn, The Boogie Woogie man Handsome Jimmy Valiant, Jimmy Shoulders aka Bodydonna Kloudi, Dan "The Beast" Severn, James J. Dillon among others gathered together to sign autographs and take photos.
The wrestlers took their time with the fans and told old stories and relived certain moments from their careers. This is just one of the things that allows New England Fan Fest to stand out from all of the others. Dan "The Beast" Severn brought four authentic championships from both NWA and UFC to have on display for the fans to take photos with.

Wrestling fans of all ages came out to meet their heroes in person. This was a very rare appearance for both James J. Dillon and Jimmy Valiant in the New England area. Both Dillon and Valiant had only appeared on one other occasion in the past 20 years in New England, that being at prior New England Fan Fests with Jimmy at Fan Fest 3 and JJ at Fan Fest 4.

This was also a very rare appearance for many others in the area. Perry Saturn hadn`t been to New England in about 10 years. Perry who is from the Boston area and was trained by Walter Killer Kowalski was thrilled to come back home. This was Sean Mooney`s very first public appearance in New England and fans were certainly excited to see him out this way. This was a very rare New England appearance for Dan Severn and the fans came out in masses to see him.

This was Jimmy Shoulders very first public appearance in New England. He wrestled for over 25 years including a short time with the original ECW as Jimmy Shoulders. He was with the WWF in the mid 90`s as Kloudi, the manager of The BodyDonnas. New England Fan Fest 6 was the very first time that Jim brought the full BodyDonna Kloudi gimmick / outfit anywhere in public. New England Fan Fest has always been an inovader, delivering things / people that you haven`t seen anywhere else. It`s nice to be able to say we were the very first in many instances and the fans do appreciate it.
Special thanks to all the vendors that participated including Off the Mark Show, Rhode Island Comic Con, Captain`s Corner, Scott Wilder Promotions, Lucky Pro Wrestling, Artist Dave Cole, Bulletproof Studios, Phil Castinetti`s SportsWorld and The Official Wrestling Museum.

A very special thank you to our sponsors, Dunkin Donuts of Taunton ave in East Providence, Rhode Island, American Trophy of East Providence, Rhode Island and The Thirsty Beaver of Cranston, Rhode Island.
Special thanks to DJ Matt Steppo for supplying the music for Fan Fest 6.

Also a special thank you to our photographers Joe McDonald and Joe Goulart, the official photographers of New England Fan Fest.

Thank you to all the fans that came out, making this event the success that it was.

See you all next year for New England Fan Fest 7!! Check back at for all the details.