Back at McCoy with Big Time Wrestling
BTW (Big Time Wrestling) made their third annual appearance at McCoy stadium in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. McCoy stadium, the home of the PAWSOX (at least for the remainder of the season) has been a fixture here in Rhode Island for so many years.

With over 2,000 fans in attendance, this was a great evening of pro wrestling action for the whole family. There was a meet and greet two hours prior to bell time all around the concourse surrounding the stadium. Fans came out in droves to meet stars such as James Ellsworth, Emma, WWE Hall of Famer Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Jack Swagger, Darren Young, The Patriot, "PCO" Pierre Carl Oulette, Super Crazy, Billy Gunn, WWE Hall of Famer Kevin Nash and WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley!
It was also an opportunity to meet some of your favorite local wrestling stars and check out a variety of pro wrestling merchandise that was on sale as well.

Kevin Nash and Mick Foley had the largest lines by far, as expected. Jim Duggan also had a big line of fans waiting to meet him. Jim`s wife and daughter also joined him at this event.
We had the pleasure of catching up with "The Retrosexual" Anthony Greene who has been tearing it up lately on the Indy scene. We conducted an interview with Anthony and also realized he may have the best wrestling merchandise out there! Check out those retro cards and his own pin! Buddy Romano was also on hand signing autographs as was BTW champion Flex Armstrong.
It was a great show from top to bottom and featured some of your favorite legends in action!

The fans went home happy, that was for sure. The overall reaction on the way out was very positive.

WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley got into it with Mr. T.A. (Terry Allen) and ended up introducing Terry to his good friend Mr. Socko!
Be sure to follow BTW on tour and check out their upcoming shows by visiting their website at and be sure to purchase your tickets in advance!
We also had the pleasure of catching up with Super Crazy and Jack Swagger through out the day for an interview that can be seen on our All Axxess Entertainment YouTube page.

(Teddy Goodz)

(PCO) Pierre Carl Oulette

"The Devil`s Reject" Brandon Webb
One of the biggest surprises to come out of the show was WWE Hall of Famer Kevin Nash winning the BTW Heavyweight Championship from Flex Armstrong in a guantlet match. The crowd was pumped to be there for that special moment as were we.

New BTW Heavyweight Champion Kevin Nash

Capacity crowd of over 2,000 fans in attendance

Super Crazy still has it!
Billy Gunn and Jack Swagger had a great main event and brawled all through out the crowd, leaving the fans happy. Until next time, we will see you at the matches!